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Northern Arizona Audubon
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Current Budget

Your Board has recently approved the NAAS annual budget and thanks to your continued support, we are pleased to report that your Audubon Chapter has completed a huge task of installation of two Motus stations. These stations were funded in part by NAAS, a "Audubon in Action" grant from National Audubon, and an anonymous donor.

The following are some of the highlights of this year’s budget:


  • Member’s dues are our main source of income and this is forecasted to be $8,090. In addition, we receive $1,878 annually from national Audubon which reflects a sharing of national dues from our area.
  • Donations exceeded expectations due to anonymous donor supporting the Motus projects. The two Motus stations costed over $30,000.


    Yearly regular budgeted overhead expenses cover accounting and membership management software subscriptions, supplies, liability insurance, credit card fees, website, post office box and storage rentals, speaker and monthly meeting facility costs plus:

    • The Blackhawk Watch newsletter became a digital-only publication in 2022, saving the chapter large printing costs.
    • Our bird sanctuary program continues to be very active with a total budget of $2,000 which equates to $500 per sanctuary. This covers ordinary expenses and any special projects are subject to separate board approval.
    • Our Monthly Program Meetings are budgeted at around $1,650 which covers facility rental and speaker fees as needed.
    • The Education Committee has a budget of $1,000.
    • New Expenses for this fiscal year that could benefit from donations:
    • Honorariums to Field Trip Guides. We feel this is a win/win for participants and guides alike. The Board voted to gift a maximum amount of $4,100 per year (not all field guides request the honorarium.
    • Donation to the Field Trip Fund via Donation tab on our website to offset this expense.
    • Stocked feeders are provided by NAAS at Dead Horse Ranch State Park. 

    Education program - school feeders:

    • Donations of seed or funds to offset this expense are welcome and may be made on the Seed Fund tab on our website.   


    This year, Board members agreed that it was time to spend a modest amount of our savings through the Support Our Birds Grant Program. Outgoing grant money totaled $5,850. These grants are given to like-minded organizations who support our mission.

    Support Our Bird Grants:

    In summary: 

    Total income is expected to be $12,393. Total expenses are expected to be $14,092. This leaves a forecasted deficit of $1,699. Last year we had a deficit of approximately $830.  If you have questions or would like to request a copy of the Annual Budget, please send your request through our website.

    Kay Hawklee - President

    Northern Arizona Audubon

    P O Box 1496 Sedona, AZ 86339

    Sanctuary Locations:

    Bubbling Ponds
    1950 N Page Springs Rd
    Cornville AZ 86325

    Sedona Wetlands
    7500 W State Route 89A,
    Sedona, AZ 86336
    (Inbetween mile markes 365 & 366) 

    Picture Canyon
    N. El Paso Flagstaff Rd 
    Flagstaff, Arizona

    Kachina Wetlands
    2263 Utility Rd,
    Flagstaff, AZ 86005

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